Exercise physiology is an important process that helps indivduals t recover from serious injuries and regain their normal health. It makes use of special programmes to manage chronic conditions in patients. However, many people have misguided information on exercise physiology which will be uncovered later in this article to be mere myths.
It is time for people to unlearn the myths they have about exercise physiology in order to learn new things about it and the benefits that are associated from undertaking this programme. Let us look at some of those misconceptions along with what really is the truth about each one of them.
Common myths about exercise physiology
– Physiology is only for athletes
There is no doubt that athletes benefit a great deal from undertaking exercise physiology programmes. But this does not imply that the exercise is only meant for athletes. The truth is this programme was meant for individuals of all ages with different fitness levels. As much as athletes get enhanced performances on the pitch from this programme, it also helps people with chronic diseases like diabetes to lead a normal and healthy life.
– You only need this physiology when you are seriously ill
Another serious misconception is one should only go for this physiology when they are extremely ill with chronic conditions like arthritis. However, it has been proven over time that this physiology is capable of correcting a wide range of health problems, including back pain, improving posture and increasing strength. From this list, we can all agree that back pain and poor posture are some of the most common conditions that affect many, especially people who have to sit in their workplaces for long hours without taking a break.
– Exercise physiologists are just personal trainers
Well, many people think that exercise physiologists do the same job as personal trainers and therefore rely on their trainers for programmes. Although these two experts help individuals to up their fitness, they engage in two different things entirely. To help you understand further, an exercise physiologist has undergone vigorous training in health science from a recognised university and has a deep understanding of how certain exercises affect the body. So they assist in creating specialised programmes that can help patients with chronic illnesses to recover quickly. On the other hand, a personal trainer does not undergo a university education in health science and only focuses on general fitness.
– Exercise physiology is too expensive
For some, they think that an exercise physiologist costs way too much than an ordinary personal trainer. Even though their cost may be slightly higher than that of a regular trainer, it does not mean that they are unaffordable. The most important thing that people should realise is that exercise physiologists recommend a specialised programme for every client depending on the type and extent of their condition. So you will not be wasting your money on something that does not work for you. A personal trainer is also an excellent alternative but may not be as effective as a physiologist in dealing with chronic health problems.
As discussed in this article, there are many myths that you probably had in mind concerning exercise physiology. But you now know the truth about it and how beneficial the process can be to your health and overall quality of life. You can always check the physiologist when you are not sure of the discomfort that you are experiencing to get the right help. Talk to Gold Coast’s exercise physiology experts right away.