Ever wondered what the hype about micro blading is all about? If you don’t know what micro blading is here is the low down on the technique? Micro blading refers to filling in gentle hair like strokes which resemble eye brow hair. The result is an effortless brow which adds dimension and beauty to your face.
However this semi-permanent treatment can cost anywhere from five hundred to fifteen hundred dollars. If you are spending this much money u ought to do some research on eyebrow tattooing.
- Unlike regular tattoos, cosmetic tattoos are more superficial. The ink are degradable and the immune system tends to push out the pigments. Therefore the results tend to fade over time. This is why cosmetic tattoos are semi-permanent.
- Touch ups would be required every year. However, some tattoos can last up till three years.
- Normally getting an eyebrow tattoo can take about two sessions. The first session includes the shaping of the brow and the second session takes place after four weeks to fill in any gaps or add in more strokes if desired.
- Minor imperfections can be corrected in the second session to give a more natural arch to the brows.
- Tattoos work better on certain skin types if you know someone who has great looking eyebrows tattooed on, keep in mind that their skin retain the ink well and therefor looks better. What works for them might not show the same effect for you.
- The oilier the skin the more difficult it is for the tattoo to stay on. These often reject the ink. The result is also no as good as desired.
- Also if your skin tends to scar easily eyebrow tattooing is not a very good idea.
- During the tattooing session you can expect to have sitting lasting more than two hours. The major part is the drawing of the brows. The cosmetic artist needs to make precise strokes which look natural on your face and which appeal to you as well. It actually depends upon how sparse the hair is.
- Also you would be given after care for example antibiotics which need to be applied to prevent risk of infection.
- The antibiotics need to be applied for twenty four hours. After that you should apply Vaseline for a week. Also you should avoid getting your eyebrows wet for the first two or three days.
- Make sure you have realistic expectations. Your eyebrows are never going to look exactly same. Eyebrows are supposed to be sisters and not identical twins. This is something which most people should get into their mind. You must allow for a little discrepancy.
- You would be given a numbing agent to lessen the pain. However, despite that you might still feel some pain because after all it’s your face and it’s one of the most sensitive parts on your body.
- Eyebrows tend to look darker during the healing period but after a while these would lighten and won’t look too obvious.
For more information check out with feather touch eye brows in Gold Coast.