There is no one type of food or pill that you can take that can magically solve all your health problems. Being healthy requires you to do a lot of things correctly at the same time. In this article, we look at some essential ways to stay healthy.

1. The Basics

Most people will tell you about this fabulous diet that they came across and how it is the best thing ever. Most diets are quiet unhealthy in nature because they don’t take into account all the nutritional components needed to stay healthy. They are often designed to rapidly lose weight in some way or another. It is essential to take in the right amount of nutrients at all times. So make sure your meal contains a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy products.

2. Move it

The biggest mistake that most people do is that they sit back and relax after a long day of sitting down and working. The muscles don’t get any action and are often worn out due to long hours of sitting down. So in a week try to get about 150 minutes of moving around; when we say moving around, we are telling you to either go for a walk or go for a jog.

3. Healthy Weight


Calculate your body mass index by figuring out how much you weigh along with how tall you are. Once you have figured out your body mass index then work towards lowering your body weight by 5%-7%. That is if you are overweight for your particular height. You should also know that people who actively keep track of their fitness through the various apps in the market are more likely to reach the healthy weight region than people who don’t keep track of their fitness.


Being health requires you to be smart, and when we say smart, we mean the acronym. Smart stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. So when you plan out a weight-loss program, make sure to be smart about it. Write down your smart goal on a post-it note that you can see at all times, so the office desk or the fridge is a great place to place it. The goal should be broke down into the smart categories. Here is an example of a smart goal, “I have to lose 5kgs in 3 months by following my fitness plan”.

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